Monday, January 5

fieldwork: to do or not to do ?

Dear laypeople, doing fieldwork is not easy as it looks. As a baby anthropologist trying to figure out what kind of a master thesis i should/could/would write, my main concern is to get over with without going places. (including my own country!) Yeah... Shame on me!
Even one of the founding fathers Bronislaw Malinowski - who invented "participant observation" (long-term type) - wasn't that happy being on the field, living in a hut in the middle of a Trobriand village, although he had all that fancy white outfit. "He often felt homesick, despondent, and sick and tired of 'the natives'." (A History of Anthropology, 43)
This kind of stuff made anthropology a well-respected discipline actually. But I must add, you must have balls in order to be involved with it... The question is, do I have 'em?

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"At least as far as Anthropology goes, two things are certain in the long run: one is that we’ll all be dead; but another is that we’ll all be wrong. Clearly, a good scholarly career is where the first comes before the second." - Marshall Sahlins
